I went surfing and camping in Biarritz, France! It was so much fun! We left Sunday morning and came back Monday night. We camped on the beach in a small tent! I love the sound of the ocean. Getting to fall asleep to the waves hitting the beach was perfect. There were also wild peacocks that woke me up once in a while with their loud cat like screeming mating call.
Anne and I took surfing lessons! It was Anne's first time camping and surfing! I have done both before. It was fun taking the lessons because they were in French! We both got up plenty of times!
A little fun thing that happened a few times to me was when I was shopping the sales woman would ask me where I'm from and blah blah blah and then told me my french was really good! It makes me feel like I have accomplished my goal of learning the language while I'm here!
I also got to meet Angela's fiance Damien. They live near the beach town we were surfing/camping in. We all had dinner together and hung out on the beach! They are planning on getting married this summer in the states! So many weddings this summer!