Aunt Donna had two exchange students stay with her family years ago - Sophie and Fanny. They are twins and live in France! Sophie and her fiance live in Toulouse and Fanny and her boyfriend live in Perpignan. Aunt Donna got in contact with them as soon as she found out I was going to be in Toulouse. It made Mom more at ease too knowing I had a contact in Toulouse if anything ever went wrong.
This past weekend Sophie and Jerome picked me up and we went to visit Fanny and Marc in Perpignan! If I were to move back to France it would be one of the neighboring towns of Perpignan! It was absolutely gorgeous! Marc has a vineyard and winery that has been in the family for a while as well as an orchard. It was great getting to have a personal tour of everything! One night when we were out for dinner the table next to us was drinking his wine! How fun!!! We went to beach, mountains, other was a great weekend. Except, I was sick! I'm still getting over a sinus/cold thing. I've had my migrains for the past two weeks with this thing.
The interesting thing was that I could understand Sophie and Fanny perfectly! But, when the guys started talking really was hard to follow. The same goes for the conversation with all their friends. A little hard to follow at times.
We went to a soccer and rugby match! And, afterwards there was a concert with a bunch of famous French singers! Do you know the French guy who sings the song, "Bad Boys"? bad boys bad boys what cha gunna do? Ya, he was there!
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